international allbreed
kitten of the year
la iw bw sgc coonamor we will rock you
coonamor maine coon cats

Meet Rock!
LA IW BW SGC CoonAmor We Will Rock You. TICA’s Best Allbreed Kitten of the Year with a score that hasn’t been matched since! Lifetime Achievement Award Winner with 3 International wins. International Maine Coon Breed Winner. Rock rocked the showhalls!
Bravo Rock

About CoonAmor Kittens
We have just a few litters each year, and there is a wait list. Kittens go to approved non smoking, indoor only homes, where they will receive a lifetime commitment of care and love. Check out our kitten pages for more information.
CoonAmor Cats

About CoonAmor
CoonAmor Maine Coon cats is a small in-home Maine Coon cattery registered with TICA. Our cats have shown around the world, and have won the highest honours in TICA Internationally, including Best Allbreed Kitten of the Year, and Best Maine Coon. Following a passion, I contribute to this remarkable breed with award winning cats raised for optimal health and loving, intelligent characters.
CoonAmor Philosophy
Comprehensive health screening is supported by following a natural, preventative approach to feline health and wellness which includes feeding a balanced raw diet. Our breeding cats are selected with health and structural soundness as the foundation for award winning, exemplary type.
“We remain responsible forever for what we have tamed….” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince